Here in my second colleXion you'll see pieces that were (sometimes) heavily edited, including my first worX from full collages I created by cutting and pasting images onto blank canvases. I also started using as well as to create with, and often used both platforms to create the final piece pictured here.
Abstrakt Thinking
Multiverse Messiah
Nothing's Simple
Variation of a Theme
Landscape of Loneliness
On a day like Today
Great Big Sky
Head in the Clouds
Grand Opening
Fascinating Frontier 1
Indecently Organic
Fascinating Frontier 2
Down in the Daisy Field
Journey Through Imagination "X"
Down in the Poppy Field
Hints of Spring
Forever Watching
Fantasy Flowers at Night II
Pensive Hues
Screenshot from a Dream
Floral Fiber OptiX
Mortality as a Muse
Meadow Mayhem
Memories in Mauve
Fantasy Flowers at Night
Pete & Repeat
Earth Shaking eXperience
Way Back When
Fashionably Framed amongst Foliage
Just the three of Him
Downtown Daisies
Cabbage Patch Kids
Being Creative
A Lot on her Mind
If H.R.Giger was a Florist
Golden Zephyr
Stroll through the Frolicking Forest
Right Foot, Wrong Shoe
Clipped Wings
Acid Bath
My 2 Grandmas
Digital Diva
Head of the Bureaucracy
Seeing Red
Driver's Seat
March of the Matryoshka Dolls
Omega Man
Super "X"
Seeing Things Differently
Woman with eXtravagant Hat
Welcome to October
A Product of his Surroundings
Daring Décor: Interdimensional Coffee Table
eXpanding Horizons
Autumn Enters
Christmas in the Canyon
Dreaming Deep
Farmhouse in the Forest
Forest Dwellings
Faraway Flowers
Hotels on a Hill
Date Night
The Miserable Mrs. Crabtree
Late Afternoon in December
Golden Orb
Seeing Stars
Delighted Daisies
In Deep
Freddy's Fantasy
Pathway through a Dream
Imperial Portrait with Gold Embellishments
Fractal Forest
Roses & Thorns
Daisy Dystopia
Creating a Storm
A Taste for Dark Things
Grandma got into the Brownies Again!
I View You
Colour in a Black and White World
Summer Serenade
Purple Poppy Portrait
Autumn Looming
Theodore's Day Out
A Bend in the Road
Invasion of the Daisy Spores
Star Babies
Trying to Blend In
It Practically Drives Itself
White Poppies
Country Living
Daring Décor: Grandma's Poppy Kitchen
Contraption Inaction
ColleXion 1
This is where you'll find all the images from X's first (approX) siX months of A.I. art eXploration at the Deep Dream Generator...