Beginning in early February and ending in late November, this ColleXion features heavily edited images, often with dozens of renders behind them. Throughout this colleXion I was doing a large part of my work with Playground AI, which shut down it's art creating features in mid November of 2024. That caused me to put an end to this 3rd colleXion featuring the style of creation I was used to using, so I could start on the neXt one.
Creative Space
Striped Siesta
Absorption "X"
Turmoil & Turbulence
The Little Things
We see what we want.
Time Lines
Silver & Sultry
The Awakening
Pearl Earring on a Starry Night
The Dividing Line
The Persistence of Mona
Impasto Impostor
Trapped with her Troubles
Southern Fried Pencil Sketch
Fading Memories from the City
The Flowing Gown
Hair & Smoke
Amber Eyes
Queen of the Clouds
Blue 3
Seeing the Light
For Display Purposes Only
Doug & Delores
Dreamy Derrière
Down in the Depths
Tar Baby
Deep Rooted Sorrow
Babushka with a Buzz
Asian Persuasion
Blissed Out
Nighttime Visitor
A Boy Named "X"
Upper Management
Contemplating the Innevitable
Digital Dreamer
Seeing Red (again)
Marvelously Medicated I
MM-BFFs (and Doug)
Marvelously Medicated II
Blue Breeze
Splitting Headache
Bee Aware
Chance of Showers
eXplosive times
Follow the Leader
X-ray SpeX
A Work in Progress
X's & O's
The Matriarch (2)
The doctor will see you now...
Happy Birthday, Queen Victoria
Let there be Light
Elsewhere Now
Reclining Green Figure
The Tourist
Springtime Sublime
Fred from the Future
Gay as a Day in May
Screenshot from a Dream 2
City Boy
Lunar Lullaby
Fantasy Floral Flashback
Stop and smell the Flowers
Golden Hour
Ready to Fly
Nature Seen
Shameless Self Promotion
Apple of my Eye
Changing Times
This is where you'll find all the images from X's (approX) first siX months of A.I. art eXploration at the Deep Dream Generator...
ColleXion 2
Here is the continuation from the above images. This colleXion shows the start of heavily edited images and images made from collages.